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Replies: 15 - Views: 994
-1james1 (Mariana Guru): Do u wana now the answer PM ME NOW.coures it's a sct *
01-10-11 - 12:10:53
-Medal1514131211sapna (Super-Mod!): Whats d solution *
01-10-11 - 12:50:53
-1james1 (Mariana Guru): Well its easy the sons well go first.then at the end of the river one of them will com down.the other one will go back to start.then the mother will go next and come down at the end.the son that is in the end with the mother will enter it again and go to the start.that means that only the mum is at the end.the sons will then enter and go to the end and one of the will come down at the end again.then one son in the boat will then go back and carry the man that has the boat from the start to the end.VERY EASY MATHS.hug. *
01-10-11 - 13:16:00
-1james1 (Mariana Guru): Well its easy the sons well go first.then at the end of the river one of them will com down.the other one will go back to start.then the mother will go next and come down at the end.the son that is in the end with the mother will enter it again and go to the start.that means that only the mum is at the end.the sons will then enter and go to the end and one of the will come down at the end again.then one son in the boat will then go back and carry the man that has the boat from the start to the end.VERY EASY MATHS.hug. *
01-10-11 - 13:16:32
-1james1 (Mariana Guru): Well its easy the sons well go first.then at the end of the river one of them will com down.the other one will go back to start.then the mother will go next and come down at the end.the son that is in the end with the mother will enter it again and go to the start.that means that only the mum is at the end.the sons will then enter and go to the end and one of the will come down at the end again.then one son in the boat will then go back and carry the man that has the boat from the start to the end.VERY EASY MATHS.hug. *
01-10-11 - 13:17:09

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