sonunigam (Love Geek): In 2007, India was ranked not only behind countries such as Norway, Japan, and Germany that figured at the top, but also past several Latin American, African, and Asian developing countries. * 12-01-11 - 09:38:59
sonunigam (Love Geek): The pupil-teacher ratio, too, in primary schools in India is very low (1:40) compared with countries like UK (1:21.6) and Japan (1:19), despite the fact that India allocates more expenditure as a percentage of GDP on education, i.e . ~3% (a popular research result reveals that public expenditure on education should account for at least 4.07% of GDP). * 12-01-11 - 09:40:06
sonunigam (Love Geek): The average pupil-teacher ratio in the developed countries is 13.7. The global average is 24.6 pupils per teacher (1:24.6) in primary school. * 12-01-11 - 09:40:53
sonunigam (Love Geek): The dropout rates in India, at the high school level are also on the rise (~50%) in spite of increased educational expenditures by the states. Moreover, the infrastructure facilities in schools are pathetic. * 12-01-11 - 09:41:29
sonunigam (Love Geek): According to the latest statistics available from the Flash Statistics and Analytical Reports on Elementary Education in India, published by the National University of Educational Planning and Administration in 2009-10, there are only three classrooms per primary school in India, on an average, and onlythree teachers per school. About 14% of the schools have only one classroom each, and single-teacher schools constitute a similar proportion. * 12-01-11 - 09:42:21