sravanthi (Hard Core Lover): yes jyotiii your right UPA is most wanted political party. .kill. .gun. * 19-04-11 - 01:08:41
sravanthi (Hard Core Lover): According to my understanding India's biggest problem is high rate of population growth and our population control program, second biggest problem is our so called democratic policy and our constitution, Third biggest problem is our judiciary system. * 19-04-11 - 01:08:55
sravanthi (Hard Core Lover): If we rectify these three other problems are just peripheral only. India need meritocracy rather then so called democracy. India also needs to impose strict population control. Most importantly our constitution and judiciary needs to be updated drastically to provide better administration, safety and security to the people of India. * 19-04-11 - 01:09:13
Everyone knows every plitician is a thief, corrupt n greedy. Why every indian thinks so? Reason is simple. Our experience, that we have frm last 62 years, every time a polician promises of doing good to the country n people when he comes and asks 4 the PRECIOUS vote and when he is elected.......... NEXT* 20-04-11 - 13:28:26