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Replies: 15 - Views: 489
-Medal4321astrobot (Unstopable Lover + The Sleeping Dragon!): I Think most of the holly wood films may based on science but in that movies fiction is greater than real science. *
11-06-11 - 00:40:18
-Medal4321astrobot (Unstopable Lover + The Sleeping Dragon!): I Think most of the holly wood films may based on science but in that movies fiction is greater than real science. *
11-06-11 - 00:41:56
-joy_dip (Practice Mode): Holoman *
11-06-11 - 01:25:07
-Medal4321astrobot (Unstopable Lover + The Sleeping Dragon!): THE movies on space travel are good *
11-06-11 - 12:41:12
-Medal4321astrobot (Unstopable Lover + The Sleeping Dragon!): BACK TO THE FUTURE *
11-06-11 - 12:42:54

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