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Replies: 16 - Views: 268
-321saravana (Love Geek): hm u r8t sapna. *
15-09-11 - 12:36:28
-321saravana (Love Geek): hm u r8t sapna. How can stop it? *
15-09-11 - 12:37:07
-Medal4321astrobot (Unstopable Lover + The Sleeping Dragon!): DEAR FRIENDS POST HERE ANY IDEA ABOUT IT. *
15-09-11 - 12:49:17
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): "Terrorism"-the word itself is horrifying, though it is a world wide disturbing phenomenon but also in India it has become a hindrance in the progress of the nation. Terrorism- a name give to the violent acts performed by some groups to get things done, which are against the law. The Main causes of this are: -. *
15-09-11 - 21:19:43
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love):
1) Poverty,
2) Illiteracy,
3) Unemployment
4) Putting once interest prior to social Welfare. *
15-09-11 - 21:22:02

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