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Replies: 25 - Views: 1615
-321s_khan (Love Master): hey mariana ppl plz sign my guest book. plz.plz. *
15-06-08 - 21:21:54
-deev (Practice Mode): i wil sgin ur gestbook .mybaby. *
15-06-08 - 21:37:31
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): I have 2 wapsites each having memory space of just 1 gb.These wapsites nt related to mariana but i have two query=1. This guest book would support the small sites outside mariana. 2. I want to put mariana's link there i am allowed to do that??My second point just to help this site.Plz anser dark lord. *
17-06-08 - 03:16:57
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): the guestbook do support other sites. What you need is goto and then login with this username( mask619 ), then set up a guest book. Its simple you will be given one link, which, you need to put on your site *
18-06-08 - 01:32:34
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): You are always welcome to drive members from other site to marianaworld. We feel glad for your urge to help the site. when you say others to sign up to our site, give them your reference link *
18-06-08 - 01:41:04

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