riyasweb (Banned! 4805 days 39 min 44 Sec): Ya, i want plusses. In my seems, that mariana hour method is bad. But every 1 hour we give to all users 3 0r 5 plusses . How about it@ turbo * 19-04-12 - 08:15:16
sonunigam (Love Geek): MarianaWorld is as it was. Something wrong happened with the Owner of Marianaworld. I think he is dead 0r what.. * 05-05-12 - 02:21:49
sapna (Super-Mod!): What u want aryan...? U know everything then what u talking about? * 05-05-12 - 02:36:53
sonunigam (Love Geek): What I want means??? Where is Owner?? If he only care for money then why not he sell 0r close this site??? Why this site is in its Orphan stage??? Seems there is none to care about it.. if Owner will come infront of me ryt now, I will kick his @@@ very hard.huh. * 05-05-12 - 02:40:09