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Replies: 12 - Views: 595
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): Don't think negative. Always think positive. *
16-05-12 - 02:52:58
-ankit22 (True Lover): . pic .We have the ability to create our own reality. For the most part, wecan look at a situation and see the good 0r we can look at the same situation and choose to see the bad. Often times the lens we use to view what’s happening is filtered by our thoughts *
16-05-12 - 02:58:10
-ankit22 (True Lover): Positive thoughts create more positive circumstances. Alternatively, negative thoughts contribute to feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment. Therefore, changing our negative thoughts is essential to achieve happiness and peace *
16-05-12 - 03:05:34
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4806 days 53 min 7 Sec): I hv experience.. Ya its correct *
24-05-12 - 03:17:27
-1alclakmal (True Core Lover): Ya..think. positive think is great.. *
21-08-12 - 19:22:42

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