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Replies: 36 - Views: 1218
-Certified12111098love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): WINDOWS VISTA.... ultimate is the best...... its much better and faster than XP........... *
12-10-08 - 12:53:42
-Medal21deep4u (Hard Core Lover + ): vista d best til nw *
12-10-08 - 12:54:29
-kyle (Hard Lover): Do not get vista! I had it for 2 years! I will never recomend it! Do not believe the media! Way to many bugs when using wireless internet and ethernet cables. Also hard to use google earth and opera! *
12-11-08 - 23:04:57
-1sushi (Practice Mode): Windows XP *
12-11-08 - 23:09:13
-Certified321mandi (Mariana V.I.P): WINDOWS XP IS BEST OPERATING SYSTEM EVER .up. *
23-02-09 - 22:44:56

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>Mobiles/Computer>=== BEST OPERATING SYSTEM ===