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Replies: 26 - Views: 801
-br0wnie (True Lover): Plypos *
14-05-08 - 04:38:50
-Certified4321shadows (Love Geek): ans is sloppy.Brownie i dont knw da word. And even couldnt find that in dictionary. If u can send me da meaning, it wil be better 4 me. *
17-05-08 - 02:06:33
-br0wnie (True Lover): Sorry.Thatz my mistake. *
18-05-08 - 18:54:51
-Certified4321shadows (Love Geek): Thats ok br0wnie. *
28-05-08 - 06:36:48
-Certified4321shadows (Love Geek): CBAKA easy word. Try to post 1st and make ur own question. Hurry up. *
28-05-08 - 06:39:45

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