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Replies: 56 - Views: 1639
-dewberry (True Lover): bad lol simple as that. And its true *
05-07-08 - 11:38:46
-1aalia (Mariana Party Freak): Its jst my opinion m nt forcing any1 2 agree wid me anywz wat m doing is nt da question i might be wrong shawdows:) *
06-07-08 - 03:00:34
-sushma (Practice Mode): web is good *
08-07-08 - 17:40:44
-sushma (Practice Mode): wap is also good. *
08-07-08 - 17:41:34
-sushma (Practice Mode): i mean both r god web/wap both. *
08-07-08 - 17:42:39

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Home>Forums>Technology rules
>Web/Wap>Web/Wap is good or Bad?