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Replies: 58 - Views: 1231
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): 6: they are cute and soft (but i didnt squeezed anyone)! *
12-03-07 - 13:20:13
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): maybe they like us when we are helpless and they just need to help us :D *
13-03-07 - 14:12:59
-1evangelina (True Lover): :)gud point *
14-03-07 - 04:38:33
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): maybe thats the reason they dont like me, i wanna be strong and survive on my own. *
14-03-07 - 16:28:36
-1anonymous (Practice Mode): think of a beautiful figuur a creture that has a sof heart wit a soft touch face tha can light up the darkest part of your heart a hug tha can warm you in the coldest of times a kiss that you never forget. always gentle always kind. that wil be a girl and that why i love them all o so much *
16-03-07 - 05:13:28

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