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Replies: 21 - Views: 1381
-4321aslam (Hard Core Lover): window of the heaven wil be opened in his grave so that his grave wil be lightened so that the dead person shud stay in his grave upto judgement day *
22-04-09 - 11:30:55
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): i dont know about dat *
23-04-09 - 07:40:36
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): at unknown place *
09-05-09 - 07:42:45
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): underground *
09-05-09 - 07:52:32
-Certified65432dixen (Unstopable Lover + The Bachelor): Only God knows where do dead people are going to. We believe in different believing, but it is God who only knows it. *
29-05-09 - 04:38:39

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>Spritual World>Where do the dead go?