simply_mae (Unstopable Lover): No,i wont forget those better sweet memories...i used it as weapon to learnt my mistake... * 13-11-07 - 07:55:31
neo77 (True Core Lover): right mae, have to forgive her but shouldn't forget it, gotta learn from d mistakes dat we made * 13-11-07 - 13:20:07
serenity (Mariana Freak): If th ppl hv left mariana itself,it easy 2 4gt.but if thyr stil ea and ur ea.then it nt easy unles u broke it of and ar angry at thm.thn it also easy 2 4gt. * 08-12-07 - 10:04:59
trah2 (Lover): if u dont need smone to forget u, do the best so. * 23-12-07 - 03:59:23