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Replies: 42 - Views: 704
-masoom (Practice Mode): what? is it true *
12-10-08 - 12:42:34
-Medal21deep4u (Hard Core Lover + ): i don lyk doz kinda ppl *
12-10-08 - 12:45:07
-1angel_fr0m_hell (True Core Lover):
. ..i hAte thEm
they didn't reSpect the Live of the po0r d0g and cAts.. .
:-( *
27-01-09 - 08:36:49
-tani (Vinyl Shaker): Me 2 hate them *
27-01-09 - 12:45:33
-21chickboi (Love Geek): It depends on the culture. Some do eat it, some country don't. Wether we like it 0r not, it really happens in real life. I haven't taste them. *
27-05-09 - 18:57:47

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>General Chat>People who eat cats or dogs