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Replies: 27 - Views: 928
-shweta (Lover): Sivsena lyk a terorrist ! They spred only terror ! *
18-03-11 - 04:37:03
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): yes i agree with your posts... sivasena is one type of terorrist party.. *
18-03-11 - 06:14:18
-21pradip07 (Mariana Party Freak): Hey ol u ppl,wat r u talking about d shivsena?wat u knw bout it?its not terrorist party but d party of petriotic party nd nevr attaced at anywer wit wa d nicest party of india(wen oll commamds wer in hand of BALJI), But nowdays MNS is becoming very popular in youth,NOW I m also follower of MNS. *
30-04-11 - 19:25:52
-idowu23 (Practice Mode): i dont know this topic *
06-09-11 - 20:10:07
-Certified321riyasweb (Banned! 4793 days 1 hr 3 min 31 Sec): yaa its bad party . but we dnt need polcitisum in mw @ harjot *
26-11-12 - 08:23:33

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>Spritual World>Wat u think abt shiv sena nd m