chris (Mariana Party Freak): There are bait stores, but where is the fun if you only go and buy something when you can do it yourself!:D * 15-01-07 - 10:52:29
swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): fishing is hugely more fun, its a way of spending time.. have you ever tried it neo? :D * 16-01-07 - 05:42:48
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): ITS A WAY of spending a lot of time :D its a calm and quite experience for a person who has a good capabilty in fishing!!! lol * 16-01-07 - 06:26:55
neo77 (True Core Lover): No I hvnt. Y 2 catch d poor fish if I dont hv 2 eat'em. :D * 16-01-07 - 06:57:32