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Replies: 50 - Views: 754
-vishaldk (Vinyl Shaker): No negative answers? I say its not there. *
25-02-08 - 01:34:40
-asker (Vinyl Shaker): when the prophets wrote the holy books they did so on instructions from their God. so yes i believe. *
09-04-08 - 23:34:54
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Dont you think the prophets influenced us with all their made ups? I dont think they are directed by gods. Whateve they wrote was mere made ups, and to put a religion they came up with all this stuff. *
09-04-08 - 23:55:28
-asker (Vinyl Shaker): if they lied then they will pay the price by their God. but if they not lying and we choose to laugh then we'l pay the price. *
10-04-08 - 00:12:20
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): why dont force him to pay rather than keeping it for god, because they are always lying, if there was any god, he would have interact with us! I believe that some kind of pure Energy(or GOD) exists which neither can be created or destroyed! but they dont interact with our daily-works! its being nature an intelligent non-living agent of god, who interact and balances any imbalance on earth *
10-04-08 - 00:42:05

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