Replies: 20 - Views: 582
rockerragu (True Core Lover): we have to stop shrinkin livin place for wild animals,we all know in a ecosystem every livin things depends on each othe
*06-05-11 - 23:40:01
rockerragu (True Core Lover): v know the life cycle and imp of all animals,govt ve to spread awarnes espeacialy 2 the village ppl near forest,
*06-05-11 - 23:55:07
rockerragu (True Core Lover): and encourage plantin trees,poor hunters in vlg should b gvn a gvt job related to carin of forest..
*07-05-11 - 00:04:34
rockerragu (True Core Lover): metropolition ve 2 b it can kil animals more than huntin.this wat i know riya.... :-)
*07-05-11 - 00:14:15