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Replies: 38 - Views: 281
-4321ontor_sumon (Love Geek): Check Your Brain In nEw StYle :Rules *
27-04-12 - 21:18:39
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): 1. 15/08/1947 *
28-04-12 - 01:59:11
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): 2. Barak Obama *
28-04-12 - 02:00:21
-1simplux (True Core Lover): 1. 1947 , 2. Barack Obama , 3. 14 february , 4. Neil Armstrong , 5. Love *
28-04-12 - 02:56:07
-4321ontor_sumon (Love Geek): The winner is Simplux -giverose- ..Simplux got 20+s ..-ura- -wc- *
28-04-12 - 11:59:39

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