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Replies: 29 - Views: 725
-1cutenasir (Mariana V.I.P): Oops! Im late.. But i would like to join with Arie.. Arie and Nasir .blowkiss. *hug* *
08-02-13 - 22:50:11
-1malditah16 (Mariana Lover): .tnx. @sleeping_gh0st (+)happy ch0colate day (+) ..tnx 4 everytin .lol. *
09-02-13 - 02:55:53
-1malditah16 (Mariana Lover): ur a precius n w0ndrful fren s0 th0ugtful, carin n dear u’v oways bin wilin 2 ofer u hand a w0rd ful of c0m4rt n cheer . *
09-02-13 - 03:13:04
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): .angel. If god is there 0r not You are always in my heart Whenever I see your smiles My sadness will fly to many miles Cut & see my heart There is only your art. .heart. *
09-02-13 - 03:26:30
-Certified1514131211munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, And then I looked at you, And I kept looking at you, For the rose isn’t as beautiful as you. but :( .search. My ValnTn .hihi. *
09-02-13 - 10:18:54

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