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Replies: 47 - Views: 535
-21neo77 (True Core Lover): Condition 1. George has been given poison or has taken poison in liquid. Swtdeath? *
16-02-07 - 00:35:10
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): all the suggestions til now are incorrect. more ideas? also remember that you can ask that kind of questions that i can reply with yes or no. *
16-02-07 - 06:31:30
-rozer (True Lover): cant guess m0re :Z *
18-02-07 - 08:54:16
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): 1. Was there any rope in georges neck? 2. Was there any other things inside the room except water and glass pieces? 3. Did george suicide? *
18-02-07 - 12:01:03
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): 1. no there wasnt a rope. 2. there wasnt any other things in the room. 3. no, he didnt suicide. *
19-02-07 - 00:15:58

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