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Replies: 27 - Views: 890
-21Silver Wind Rose (Mariana Party Freak): The only time I have ever prayed for someone to die was so my grand father would be out of pain and suffering from his strokes and to be free to take care of himself. That way he could join his wife, my grandmother and be free of this worlds pain. *
14-06-07 - 02:05:50
-asker (Vinyl Shaker): suicide is a crime to god. you are murdering urself. every 5.7 minutes as woman gets assaulted or raped in south africa. suicide figures increase over festive periods due to loneliness or unhappiness or financially. ironically most teens commit suicide because of peer pressure. 30% of babies born in south africa are born with aids, a further 25% will be infested before their 1st birthday by their mother. *
16-11-07 - 07:01:51
-1baydis (Vinyl Shaker): Yea ryt sucide bt wot is 1tin dat cud reduced d amount of dis sucidial act? *
28-11-07 - 05:06:34
-aye07i (Vinyl Shaker): Iwld rather wait 4 my time(death)instead of commiting murder(suicide) *
25-12-07 - 06:32:54
-mhakizalat (Vinyl Shaker): All pip0l w0uld c0me 2 dat situati0n u rather be prepare b4 death! S0 dnt afraid! *
25-12-07 - 07:10:24

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