Dark_Lord (Administrator!): it means 15 is the highest possible rating to me. enable your browser image to see that color of the stars! 15 is the alternate value of the green star * 20-08-08 - 05:31:42
jackwilson (True Core Lover): why you got highest possible rates? Coz of Admin post? For what anything else? * 20-08-08 - 05:34:41
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): A part of it! All staff members get some points as they are staff and working hard continuosly for our site. For me, the online time, reference, chat posts and plusses also played an important role. If i reduce my activity here, the color may go away. I hope this is clear P.S. This information is for your benefit only. * 20-08-08 - 05:42:40
jackwilson (True Core Lover): sorry. . Im nt waching any staff who is working hard EXCEPT YOU. They got it absolutely free , i mean without working hard. By the way, does above imformation provides benifits for me? =) * 20-08-08 - 05:49:51
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): .rofl. If its not providing any benefit then why are you asking question? Is this Your childhood nature? :D -lol- Anyways All our staff members work, It require one's eyes to see * 20-08-08 - 05:55:02