Replies: 36 - Views: 395
scarlet (Practice Mode): ...i think.. if u just wanna give s0me heLp..betTer 2 give fo0d/dress or anything but n0t m0ney.. so that we can sure that they will use in a right way... .cute.
*15-10-08 - 08:09:48
virmae (Lover): U cnnt judge all the beggar they are less fortunate people,we have to thank to god that were nt belong to them..whatever reason they become beggars only god knws.
*23-11-08 - 23:50:43
richardson (True Lover): Hw can a man with his 2 hands n legs b a beggar,he/she shuld find something reasonable 2 do cuz they re big problem 2 d society.
*23-12-08 - 14:41:37