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Replies: 34 - Views: 434
-inchatex (Banned! 4193 days 4 hr 7 min 42 Sec): For me its yes,,why bec. There also a human need peace *
27-12-08 - 06:36:57
-richardson (True Lover): Thats correct. *
27-12-08 - 13:07:53
-tg2429 (Hard Lover): hmmm not all terrorist are bad or evil they just fight there right! some terrorist fight there right and some are for power we can leave peacefully if we have a nice and not corrupt leaders thats my opinion *
04-01-09 - 03:52:42
-1angel_fr0m_hell (True Core Lover): . ..n0' they cAn't.. .becAuse they do it in a vi0Lent/ miseRabLe and dAnger0us way.. .of making peace.. . -peace- *
14-01-09 - 08:59:35
-rahulraj (True Lover): no they cant. they will never succeed. *
14-01-09 - 23:10:58

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