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Replies: 29 - Views: 432
-wtpm (Banned! 4606 days 20 min 34 Sec): Best Friendship is like the relation between the hand nd the eye.Its like when the hand gets hurt the eye cries nd when the eye cries the hand wipes its tears.:D *
07-06-07 - 20:56:25
-321s_khan (Love Master): every where ths same post. i'm bord. *
06-06-08 - 21:40:30
-masoom (Practice Mode): friends means dost *
12-10-08 - 13:02:47
-1nichy_9ty (Mariana Guru): friend out site is real friend in real life, friend in chat site is friendship *
01-01-09 - 09:11:18
-Certified4321de-paule (Love Geek + Stone's twinbro): A friend is someone who is alwz there for you. *
01-01-09 - 09:19:49

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