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Replies: 43 - Views: 595
-321npsingh54 (Love Master): These are the strategies guys..... *
28-11-08 - 00:27:51
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): You are taking on INDIA-PAKISTAN! Well, i can say that time has come to take appropiate action in their territory,as INDIA cannot allow these going on for days. We didnt see any major steps taken even after blasts in their territory? So how can you explain that? I mean they can take help from strong countries if you point them out weak? *
28-11-08 - 00:33:15
-321npsingh54 (Love Master): This all proves that our security is week...and our prime minister is not as crazy as bush to take appropriate action.ras. *
28-11-08 - 00:41:35
-1aalia (Mariana Party Freak): What major steps?huh pasing cmnts is much easier than doin any practical work Pakistan is much aware of what it has 2 do n don need any country 2 help n if any country ll do harm 2 it definitely they ll get sme return!! *
28-11-08 - 00:47:01
-321npsingh54 (Love Master): why are u taking Pakistans favour??hav u forgottn the major attacks by pakistan like kargil war,etc.....pak has only harmd us aftr independence....,.. *
28-11-08 - 00:52:26

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