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Replies: 21 - Views: 1381
-1514131211mona786 (Unstopable Lover): I think they are gose to haven. *
29-05-09 - 04:41:16
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): Yes only GOD KNOWS *
29-05-09 - 08:40:50
-1celena1 (True Core Lover): I think that death its unfayr,because usually it takes good persons,that's why i think the souls of the dead rise2sky,2Heaven *
05-04-10 - 02:01:31
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): dunno....-sad- *
03-04-12 - 08:01:58
-1514131211tuhin4u (Unstopable Lover + Mariana World DIAMOND member): I don't know it. Coz I am not a God. Only God can say it. *
07-06-12 - 01:13:14

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Home>Forums>Secret Passage
>Spritual World>Where do the dead go?