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Replies: 25 - Views: 470
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): I would not stop until i felt i have squared it off. *
12-05-09 - 18:01:09
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): This is how i treat the world,i could be the greatest saint whom everyone's knew but,if i am provoked,i could be the worst scumbag that would thrive in your veins. *
12-05-09 - 18:03:39
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): These are the excess manifestations on how the world seems so unfair that we deemed deserted us. *
12-05-09 - 18:05:36
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): Once we are in next in line,it is a matter of fighting for what we thought and believed to be right. *
12-05-09 - 18:08:24
-1lelouch (Mariana Guru): The more we have convictions with our thinking,the more we get the chance to survive the ruthlessness that the world offers. *
12-05-09 - 18:10:35

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