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Replies: 19 - Views: 515
-1bahavath (Love Master): Indian political is very bad any time in india 1962 india flight againest chine i ndia say im sarandar to ur legs what happend tat time india is biggest country in the world but knw all are daminate to india *
07-01-11 - 09:36:15
-1bahavath (Love Master): Knw terrois are attacke in india why what the reason india is biggest human gvt in the world but india is poor country world 2nd population country but last olympic game only one gold win what reason i dnt win any other medal india dnt have talnent athlatice *
07-01-11 - 09:43:08
-1bahavath (Love Master): I hate indian politecal system but I LOVE INDIA *
07-01-11 - 10:11:00
-Medal1514131211sapna (Super-Mod!): LAST DATE OF POSTING -up- *
10-01-11 - 23:53:35
-Medal1514131211sapna (Super-Mod!): LAST DATE OF POSTING -up- *
10-01-11 - 23:54:43

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