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Replies: 64 - Views: 659
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): interesting topic, this topic just shows the darker side, lol! Ok swtdeath you know that indian foods are spicy, so if we use toilet paper, the paper will burn out... instead we use water!! *
28-01-07 - 05:51:26
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): one more thing... we people stay virgin till we marry, but in western this are not followed! We have a great historical background!! As also we have one of the wonders of the world!(taj mahal) this shows that we are a great lovers of mankind and full of emotions... whereas western people dont believe in emotions!! *
28-01-07 - 05:57:11
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): at many important positions like in NASA and other UN organisation,we have many indians!! Even all the meritious students of India are taken to AMErica for their development in various fields like computers, biological, agriculture etc. even outsourcing is done from india!! Our country is full of culture and dialects and OF COURSE A SECULAR country( which makes us proud). *
28-01-07 - 06:02:28
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): this goes historically. Now geographically-- india is number 1 in variety of natural resources, no other country has this much of variety! economically-- our SENSEX is growing like a mammoth!! Even indian industries has got enlisted in Nasdaq(american sensex) like INFOSYS and ONGC! *
28-01-07 - 06:08:49
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Scientifically::: NEWTONs told that 'we owe towards INDIANS' cos of the discovery of '0', without that nothing would have been possible!! Litrerature::: From my state KOLKATA, a lot of novelists borned!! like RABINDRA NATH TAGORE(hope you know) and currently one novelists in economics AMARTYA SEN(still living..) :) *
28-01-07 - 06:15:08

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