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Replies: 30 - Views: 932
-masoom (Practice Mode): i dnt knw any sms..! bt previous sms is nice *
09-08-08 - 23:12:54
-65432tijana (Vinyl Shaker): One night i send an Angel to look over you,but he came back realy fast.i ask him "whats the broblem?" And angel answer to me " ANGELS DONT PROTECT ANGELS" *
01-11-08 - 04:59:16
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): dont ever try to hurt some1 who is a well wisher of u.
Because telling "sorry" is easy but the pain given is such that u Cant Feel!!!
01-11-08 - 05:04:55
-scarlet (Practice Mode): ...fRiendship is vAst like univerSe, deEp like ocean, hiGh like sky, stRong like ir0n, kind like m0ther, cuTe like me.. and sweet like u!! *
06-11-08 - 17:46:33
-ezeah (Vinyl Shaker): There's a limit to when i will stop loving u,and that is forever. *
08-11-08 - 11:19:00

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