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Replies: 30 - Views: 595
-54321stone (Love Geek + 'de-paule's twinbro'): Y do we cry,to get rid of pain *
02-01-09 - 06:30:11
-54321stone (Love Geek + 'de-paule's twinbro'): Y do we slp,just to av drm *
02-01-09 - 06:32:39
-54321stone (Love Geek + 'de-paule's twinbro'): Y do we die,coz we just av to die *
02-01-09 - 06:34:32
-Certified65432dixen (Unstopable Lover + The Bachelor): Y do fishes cannot be on land? They are not humans! *
03-01-09 - 08:41:30
-Medal21supratim (Mariana Party Freak): Y taAz always HIDe His faCE wid hz hand? Bec he th0ugHT if he do thz,n0b0dy cn c HIM. *
12-11-09 - 22:19:23

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