swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): haha my life is all about music and music is my life and theres no life without music. cant be separated from it for more than the time i sleep. the end XD * 17-03-07 - 16:13:25
reddevil (Vinyl Shaker): death wot if sombody steal ur all music instument.......? * 17-03-07 - 23:13:48
neo77 (True Core Lover): Music? It's k it's alrite. Helps passin time sumtimes nd cn b real good sumtimes but it cnt b my life =) * 17-03-07 - 23:35:35
swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): reddevil, sure you know what happens if someone you need for living would be taken away? like for example food or air.. the same happens to me if i dont get music. its my drug XD * 18-03-07 - 16:04:00
reddevil (Vinyl Shaker): hehe......nw i wonder u alwayz stickng wth music systm * 18-03-07 - 23:50:36