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Replies: 45 - Views: 501
-21shoona (Love Geek): Music is the best way to make our mind relaxed *
02-05-08 - 22:15:27
-gyrate (True Lover): Music help us to relax, all knows but how it works? While listenin music, our brain nerves gets loosen n tension free, and the nervous system hence start respondin to the kind of music we're listening , if devotional or romantic then we get relaxed, if sad songs then we get emotional n if hard music then we feel to dance , so dependin on nature of person n kinda music, it help to heal away ur pain *
09-06-08 - 20:02:03
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): Muzik tell us many unknown matters. we can easyly express ourself by muzik which we are unable to say normaly. *
09-06-08 - 20:06:41
-21deleted (Mariana Lover): Ya lol just heard a few rock bands your comment that music can express what we normaly cant express is true about them.The way they were singing was so strange 1 could easly have feel they were shouting as if they have a gang of ants in their pants.Lol:) *
13-06-08 - 14:57:09
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): music is a type of medicine which can cure our so many stress and problems. *
17-05-09 - 22:01:37

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