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Replies: 34 - Views: 505
-bloodflower (True Lover): Some of my fav metal bands are atreyu, bullet for my valentine, kittie, korn, mudvayne, otep, opeth, slipknot.. And metal isnt always shouted.. *
11-06-07 - 20:42:15
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): at least bullet for my valentine and korn are not metal O.O *
13-06-07 - 01:32:31
-bloodflower (True Lover): Yes they are..! They sing, yes, but its metal. *
13-06-07 - 21:28:02
-jimmy (Vinyl Shaker): Bwwwwwwwwwwahahahahahahaha...excuse swtdeath,she is rather opinionated about things she knows NOTHING of!!!Bullet for my valentine is METAL and so too is Korn.Ever hear of a genre called NEW METAL swtdeath?I bet not,stick to music you know like nursery rhymes or something,cause here you're lost!!! *
06-09-07 - 03:10:15
-jimmy (Vinyl Shaker): All the bands you mentioned are cool Blood,but kittie???Come on,the vocalist really irritates me,her voice is super crappy.The music is good though,they just need a vocalist who can do the job. *
06-09-07 - 03:12:29

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