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Replies: 127 - Views: 837
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. *
11-05-12 - 03:30:05
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. Every night, wasps bite into thestem of a plant, lock their mandibles (jaws) into position, stretch out at right angles to the stem, and, with legs dangling, fall asleep. *
11-05-12 - 03:30:33
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn ina very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day. *
11-05-12 - 03:31:00
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. The original game of "Monopoly" was circular. *
11-05-12 - 03:31:28
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): *. Bees have 5 eyes. There are 3 small eyes on the top of a bee'shead and 2 larger ones in front. *
11-05-12 - 03:31:58

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