munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): ok riyas ur registration hasbeen acepted to some modification of ur account detailes.. its are Total PMs IN:2658
Total Pms OUT:3334
Game. Plusses:403
Chat Posts:1452
Battle Points:91
Shouts:1005... becoz u was update wrong now also... and thanks 4 ur particepateing this contest...10x Riyas... and your nick smiley -riyas- = -Riyas- * 10-09-12 - 11:03:33
munna2009 (Super-Mod! + Sravanthi Love): dear arjunvenugopal97 your Registation sucessfully verified... please wore ur invented user name also in registration book... and thanks 4 ur intrest... your nick smiley = -arjunvenugopal : -Arjunvenugopal * 11-09-12 - 07:59:39