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Replies: 46 - Views: 399
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): where are who? *
19-03-07 - 16:04:24
-1evangelina (True Lover): :-) *
20-03-07 - 08:13:22
-21neo77 (True Core Lover): Think *
20-03-07 - 22:58:47
-wtpm (Banned! 4607 days 10 hr 6 min 16 Sec): Friend important in my life very much but i can't to write because sentence r so short that say how many important friend in your life. & it is not to capture in a few (word) sentence.That's it. *
21-03-07 - 17:33:21
-21serenity (Mariana Freak): Seems like d topic is closed,every1 decided dt frnds r i agree wiv d crowd.i only hv 3 frnds 2 wappers and 1 very super girl-frnd. *
27-04-07 - 10:31:56

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