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Replies: 36 - Views: 395
-321born2rule (Mariana V.I.P): hey de paule thats same as my country too bro all r fake they have money but they beg as thhats are their tradition i dnt lyk fake persons... *
07-12-09 - 09:04:37
-Certified4321de-paule (Love Geek + Stone's twinbro): Why i dislike them most is cos of the rituals they do wit ppl *
07-12-09 - 10:34:55
-Medal4321fridiano (Hard Core Lover): De-paule, why u dey bring up naija flavour come here? *
07-12-09 - 16:48:51
-321born2rule (Mariana V.I.P): HMM .nocomment. now *
10-12-09 - 04:01:19
-Medal87654eze4ever (Unstopable Lover + ): Na true@fd *
29-12-09 - 02:17:03

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