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Replies: 55 - Views: 1726
-1Regina (Mariana Party Freak): U guys r so funny ! *
30-10-07 - 11:53:57
-87654l0st_s0ul (Unstopable Lover): Heeeeei aici se vorbeste romana!!!limba noastra.i o comoara... *
02-11-07 - 00:18:05
-marco (Vinyl Shaker): In adancuri infundata just me pmpl/roumanian language is a latin language and isnt very difficult to learn exist some regionalist dialects ,moldavian,transilvanian,and in banat and tara motilor exist a specific dialects... *
02-11-07 - 19:55:53
-54321existenz (Unstopable Lover): Right,it-s only language and several dialects.. *
02-11-07 - 23:51:44
-adv3nture (Lover): Yep.And our gramar is not verry easy.I think... *
11-11-07 - 09:44:14

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