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Replies: 42 - Views: 705
-1crazyguy (Love Master): -lol- *
18-08-10 - 11:39:12
-ashk (Just In Love): Lmfao ya av ta b fkd up inda head 2 eat a cat 0r dog, n if any1 has al av gotta say is: -U SickoZ- *
21-08-10 - 14:06:09
-1james1 (Mariana Guru): I don't understand people like that who eat dog and cat. *
22-08-10 - 04:04:16
-hell_boy_sam (True Lover): Its very bad.sad. *
07-12-10 - 14:24:24
-Certified321kamilly (Love Geek): people do that? thats nasty. *
07-12-10 - 14:59:07

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>General Chat>People who eat cats or dogs