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Replies: 34 - Views: 1039
-1514131211mona786 (Unstopable Lover): I want to go philli once a time. *
21-06-09 - 11:17:03
-donquijote (True Lover): Your country is verry beautiful cause your people are smart.not like our country. Congratulations! *
25-06-09 - 18:34:44
-1514131211mona786 (Unstopable Lover): Ya i know but i like phili too. *
25-06-09 - 20:43:59
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): wish to visit there . . *
25-06-09 - 22:08:49
-zsolo (Just In Love): Boracay...d paradise island of d Phil. (malay aklan) *
03-07-09 - 14:58:31

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