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Replies: 114 - Views: 261
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): On April 30, 2009, Twitter tweaked its web interface, adding a search bar and a sidebar of Trending Topics—the most common phrases currently appearing in messages. "Every public update sent to Twitter from anywhere in the world 24/7 can be instantly indexed and made discoverable via our newly launched real-time search," explained Biz Stone. "With this newly launched feature, Twitter has become something unexpectedly important—a discovery engine for finding out what is happening right now."[ *
06-03-10 - 00:52:50
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): Content of tweets : San Antonio-based market research firm Pear Analytics analyzed 2,000 tweets (originating from the US and in English) over a 2-week period from 11:00a to 5:00p (CST) and separated them into six categories: *
06-03-10 - 00:53:22
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): * News * Spam * Self-promotion * Pointless babble * Conversational * Pass-along value *
06-03-10 - 00:54:30
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): The firm found that "pointless babble" was the largest category of Twitter content, making up 811 tweets 0r 40.55 percent of the total number of messages sampled. pic . *
06-03-10 - 00:55:04
-Certified1514131211jackwilson (True Core Lover): Conversational messages accounted for 751 messages 0r 37.55 percent, tweets with "pass-along value" i.e. retweets – accounted for 174 messages 0r 8.70 percent, self-promotion by companies made up 117 tweets 0r 5.85 percent, spam was 75 tweets 0r 3.75 percent and tweets with news from mainstream media publications accounted for 72 tweets 0r 3.60 percent.[38] *
06-03-10 - 00:57:55

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