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Replies: 38 - Views: 501
-Certified4321de-paule (Love Geek + Stone's twinbro): My friend's a scarce treasure which cannot be replaced. *
19-12-08 - 05:27:07
-54321stone (Love Geek + 'de-paule's twinbro'): .wow. *
19-12-08 - 05:27:58
-Certified65432dixen (Unstopable Lover + The Bachelor): Friends are someone to lean on. They're always there for you through thick and thin.. *
20-12-08 - 22:33:29
-1nichy_9ty (Mariana Guru): friendship is in chat room friendly n trufriend is out side *
21-12-08 - 20:12:08
-richardson (True Lover): Shes cute n responsible. *
22-12-08 - 02:51:34

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