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Replies: 46 - Views: 1550
-1celena1 (True Core Lover): An unknown fact is,that im *
19-09-08 - 13:33:43
-1mysterious (Just In Love): Afghanistan is da only country which starts wid alphabet A and ends with N... Other than all countries which starts wid letter A also ends wid letter A.... *
19-09-08 - 20:49:59
-1mysterious (Just In Love): There r more than 7million millionaires in the whole world. *
19-09-08 - 20:51:25
-1mysterious (Just In Love): The first atom bomb droped by america on japan was actually hitted 2 elephant in the zoo... *
19-09-08 - 20:52:26
-Certified4321saawariya (True Core Lover): Chimpanze da only animal other dan human who cn recognize itself in mirror.bear. *
20-09-08 - 10:31:31

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