Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Because future is uncertain. Only the things happened can be viewed. I can give you a practical example. Travel twice the speed of light to mars,then develop a power telescope. Such that you can view each and every object at earth. So if you travel twice the speed. Then you will be able to see what happened one second ago live. So increase your speed and you can view all the history * 27-12-07 - 13:32:20
Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Because the light rays which has emitted from your great great grand father is still alive and if you can catch them you will be able to view them. You will see them live and then you wont belive your eyes. But you cant travel to future because future hasnt been created yet. It will create as the present goes * 27-12-07 - 13:37:02
love_444 (Mariana V.I.P): Newton's theory of gravitation was soon accepted without question, and it remained unquestioned until the beginning of this century. Then Albert Einstein shook the foundations of physics with the introduction of his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, and his General Theory of Relativity in 1915 (Here is an example of a thought experiment in special relativity). * 30-12-07 - 09:28:43