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Replies: 42 - Views: 539
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): its v close to greek! the language of a country near of it :) *
06-02-07 - 02:41:30
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): a hint! it starts with a. *
08-02-07 - 05:34:11
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): Albanian *
10-02-07 - 22:50:16
-21swtdeath (Mariana V.I.P): wihii thats correct! next question: how are the regions in that chocolate-clock country called? *
11-02-07 - 02:01:01
-Medal1514131211Dark_Lord (Administrator!): this question is very tough. i didnt understand what you wanted to say?? *
14-02-07 - 21:19:37

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