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Replies: 38 - Views: 281
-4321ontor_sumon (Love Geek): Q.1: MITOAC------Q.2: UTBTRE------Q.3: NROWG *
14-05-12 - 20:03:27
-1514131211sonunigam (Love Geek): 1. Atomic
2. Butter
3. Wrong *
14-05-12 - 23:28:38
-4321ontor_sumon (Love Geek): Congratulation.-victory- -giverose- The Tech. Guru!!! You are winner last Episode..-up- -up- *
14-05-12 - 23:38:44
-4321ontor_sumon (Love Geek): 25 plusses successfully updated to The Tech. Guru!!! *
14-05-12 - 23:48:31
-4321ontor_sumon (Love Geek): This game may be play will next sunday *
18-05-12 - 01:21:04

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